Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

11 Reasons to Add Vitamin C Injections to Your Skin Care Routine

Vitamin C injections offer numerous health benefits for your skin, including stimulating collagen production and shielding against sun damage. Some individuals may encounter side effects.


What Are Vitamin C Injections?

If you're deeply engaged in the realm of skincare, you've undoubtedly come across vitamin C injections.

Vitamin C is hailed as one of the premier ingredients available for anti-aging support, and is fundamental for maintaining a smooth, even, and radiant complexion.

While you may be obtaining vitamin C through your diet, there's no guarantee it's reaching your skin directly. Incorporating serums and other topical products is the most direct method to access these advantages.

Continue reading to discover why integrating vitamin C injections into your regimen is beneficial, how to incorporate this new product, and more.


Benefits of Vitamin C for the skin

The advantages of using vitamin C injections on your skin are plentiful. For instance, vitamin C:


·        is safe for most skin types

·        provides hydration

·        brightens your skin

·        reduces redness

·        diminishes hyperpigmentation

·        alleviates under-eye circles

·        encourages collagen production

·        may help prevent sagging

·        may shield against sun damage

·        may soothe sunburns

·        may promote wound healing


It's Vitamin C Safe for All Skin Types?

Vitamin C boasts an excellent safety profile. The majority of individuals can utilize topical vitamin C for an extended duration without experiencing any adverse effects.

Moreover, vitamin C is safe to use in conjunction with other skincare actives, including alpha hydroxy acids, retinols, and SPF.


It Provides Hydration

Most healthy skin and organs contain elevated levels of vitamin C, suggesting that vitamin C accumulates in the body through circulation.

Topical vitamin C penetrates the skin most effectively in the form of ascorbic acid.


Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, another vitamin C derivative used in skincare, has been shown to possess hydrating properties for the skin, as indicated by a 2022 research review. It reduces transepidermal water loss (TEWL), enabling the skin to retain moisture more effectively.


It Brightens Your Skin

Vitamin C can help diminish pigmentation and smooth the skin's surface, reducing dullness and imparting a youthful radiance.

Vitamin C usage has been demonstrated to hinder melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin color.

By inhibiting melanin production, vitamin C can aid in fading dark spots and hyperpigmentation, and may also contribute to brightening your skin's appearance.


It Helps Reduce Redness and Even Out Your Skin Tone

Vitamin C has also been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties through its antioxidant capacity, according to a 2015 research review. Consequently, it soothes the skin and may alleviate puffiness.

Vitamin C's anti-inflammatory action can assist in:

neutralizing free radicals responsible for oxidative damage

optimizing the immune system to discourage an inflammatory immune response

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C can also help diminish redness, thereby promoting a more uniform complexion.

The combined reduction of dark spots, redness, and irritation results in a clear, smooth skin tone.


It Helps Fade Hyperpigmentation

By impeding melanin production, vitamin C can effectively fade hyperpigmentation.

Hyperpigmentation, including sunspots, age spots, and melasma, occurs when melanin is overproduced in specific areas of the skin, and may also develop in areas where acne has healed.


Vitamin C inhibits melanin synthesis by downregulating the activity of an enzyme called tyrosinase. It is widely utilized in dermatology to reduce pigmentation of hyperpigmented spots on the skin.


If you're dealing with acne, there are alternative methods for treating hyperpigmentation acne in addition to vitamin C serums.


It Reduces the Appearance of Under-eye Circles

Vitamin C serums can help diminish fine lines by hydrating and plumping the under-eye area.

While vitamin C is more effective at reducing overall redness, some individuals claim it can alleviate discoloration associated with under-eye circles.

Other strategies to address under-eye bags include using a cold compress and incorporating retinol into your skincare regimen.

The skin beneath your eyes is delicate and thin, so it's best to utilize products specifically formulated for the under-eye area.


It Promotes Collagen Production

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that diminishes with age. Reduced collagen levels can result in fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin C is renowned for stimulating collagen production through the process of collagen synthesis. In fact, collagen synthesis cannot occur without vitamin C.


This is because vitamin C serves as the essential cofactor for the two enzymes required for collagen synthesis.


It May Help Prevent Skin Sagging

Collagen production is intertwined with skin elasticity and firmness. When collagen levels decline, the skin may begin to sag.

Applying a vitamin C serum may boost collagen production, resulting in an overall firming effect, according to a 2017 research review. This holds true for sagging due to natural aging, oxidative stress damage, or significant weight loss.

This implies that it can help diminish the appearance of sagging skin, imparting a firmer and more toned complexion.


It Shields Against Sun Damage

Excessive exposure to oxidative stress caused by pollutants or ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is linked to reduced vitamin C levels in the skin.

Vitamin C levels are also lower in mature or photodamaged skin, although researchers are uncertain whether this is a causative factor or a consequence.

Vitamin C is also rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants safeguard healthy skin cells by "donating" electrons to these free radicals, rendering them harmless.


It May Help Soothe Sunburns

In addition to minimizing redness, vitamin C accelerates cell turnover. This process replaces damaged cells with healthy new ones.

Topical application of vitamin C, in conjunction with vitamin E and other compounds, has been shown to reduce injury from UV irradiation (i.e., sunburn), as noted in the aforementioned 2017 review. This combination also reduces inflammation induced by excessive UV exposure.


It Generally Helps Accelerate Wound Healing

Given its effects on sunburn, it should come as no surprise that topical application of vitamin C can expedite overall wound healing. Healthy wound healing reduces the risk of inflammation, infection, and scarring.

In fact, vitamin C supplementation positively impacted skin healing and growth by enhancing antioxidant levels in both the body and the skin.

This is partly attributed to the fact that wound healing is linked to collagen formation, and vitamin C boosts collagen production.


Potential Side Effects and Risks

Although irritation is unlikely, you should always conduct a patch test prior to full application. This is the sole method to ascertain how your skin will respond to the serum.

If your skin is particularly sensitive, avoid products containing L-ascorbic acid. Products containing magnesium ascorbyl phosphate may be less likely to cause irritation.


Vitamin C Products

The stability of a serum is influenced by two factors: product formulation and packaging.

The following vitamin C derivatives are engineered to retain potency for extended periods:

L-ascorbic acid

ascorbyl palmitate

magnesium ascorbyl phosphate

Additionally, ensure that the product features a water-free formulation. The bottle should also be opaque and airtight.

You can explore our preferred vitamin C serums categorized based on whether your skin is dry or oily.


In Conclusion

Vitamin C can aid in blemish healing, reducing hyperpigmentation, and imparting a radiant glow to your skin.

Consistency is crucial for optimal efficacy, so integrate it into your skincare routine in a manner that suits you best.

Some individuals prefer to apply it in the morning to capitalize on its UV-protective properties, while others find that it functions best as a nighttime serum. Some individuals apply it twice daily.

Discontinue use if you experience irritation or discomfort.

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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

Polynucleotide: The New Hottest Trend of 2024

You must have heard about the new trend in the aesthetic world - polynucleotide treatment. It's been making waves for its innovative approach to skin rejuvenation. In this blog post, we'll take a deeper look at this cutting-edge treatment, exploring its benefits, how it compares to traditional dermal fillers, its safety profile, and what to expect during the procedure. Join us as we uncover the transformative potential of polynucleotide therapy for your skin!

What is Polynucleotide Treatment?

Polynucleotide treatment, often referred to as PDRN therapy (Polydeoxyribonucleotide therapy), involves the use of polynucleotides derived from salmon DNA to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. These polynucleotides, composed of nucleotides like adenosine and thymidine, serve as building blocks for DNA and RNA synthesis, playing a crucial role in cellular repair mechanisms.

Polynucleotides vs. Dermal Fillers: Understanding the Difference

While both polynucleotide treatment and dermal fillers aim to enhance skin appearance, they operate through distinct mechanisms. Dermal fillers primarily focus on adding volume to specific areas of the face to reduce wrinkles, lines, and hollow areas, using substances like hyaluronic acid or collagen.

In contrast, polynucleotide treatment stimulates the body's natural regenerative processes, promotes collagen production, improves skin texture, and enhances elasticity. Rather than simply filling lines, it rejuvenates the skin from within, yielding more comprehensive and long-lasting results.

Can Polynucleotides Be Combined?

Yes, polynucleotide treatment and dermal fillers can complement each other effectively. Combining these approaches allows for a synergistic effect, simultaneously addressing both volume loss and skin quality, resulting in a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

How Many Polynucleotide Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments required varies depending on individual factors such as skin condition, treatment goals, and the extent of rejuvenation desired. Typically, a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart may be recommended to achieve optimal results. Your healthcare provider can assess your needs and develop a personalized treatment plan.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

During a polynucleotide treatment session, the polynucleotide solution is administered via microinjections or through techniques like mesotherapy, where the solution is delivered superficially into the skin. The procedure is minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated, with little to no downtime.

How Does Polynucleotide Work?

Polynucleotide therapy works by activating fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. By enhancing collagen synthesis and promoting tissue repair, it leads to improved skin texture, firmness, and overall rejuvenation. Additionally, it aids in wound healing and reduces inflammation, further contributing to skin health.

Is Polynucleotides Safe?

Polynucleotide treatment has demonstrated a favorable safety profile in clinical studies and real-world applications. As the solution is derived from natural sources and compatible with the body's own nucleic acids, adverse reactions are rare. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, it's essential to seek treatment from qualified professionals to minimize risks and ensure optimal outcomes.

Can Polynucleotides Be Done for Eyes?

Yes, polynucleotide treatment can be effectively utilized to address various concerns around the eyes, such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness. Its regenerative properties make it suitable for delicate areas like the periorbital region, helping to rejuvenate and revitalize the eye area.

Does Polynucleotide Treatment Really Work?

Numerous clinical studies and real-world experiences attest to the efficacy of polynucleotide treatment in improving skin quality, texture, and firmness. Patients often report visible enhancements in skin tone, elasticity, and overall radiance following treatment. However, individual results may vary, and it's essential to maintain realistic expectations based on consultation with your healthcare provider.

How Long Does Polynucleotide Treatment Last?

The duration of results can vary depending on factors such as individual skin characteristics, lifestyle factors, and maintenance routines. While some patients may experience results lasting several months, others may enjoy benefits for up to a year or more with proper care and periodic touch-up treatments.

How Much Does Polynucleotide Treatment Cost?

The cost of polynucleotide treatment in London can vary depending on several factors, including the clinic or provider you choose, the specific formulation of the polynucleotide solution used, the area(s) being treated, and the number of sessions required to achieve your desired results. Additionally, the expertise and reputation of the healthcare provider may also influence pricing.

On average, in London, the cost of a single session of polynucleotide treatment can range from £200 to £800 or more. However, it's essential to note that this is a general estimate, and prices may vary significantly from one clinic to another.
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Under-Eye Skin Boosters: The Solution for Your Tired Eyes!

Under-eye skin boosters

Under-eye skin boosters have become a go-to solution for many individuals seeking to revitalize their under-eye area. In this guide, we'll go through everything you need to know about skin booster injections and treatments, from how they work to what to expect, potential side effects, and how to choose the right treatment for you.

Can skin boosters be used under eyes?

Yes, under-eye skin boosters can indeed be used to address a variety of concerns such as dark circles, fine lines, and loss of volume. These specialized injections deliver a hydrating and revitalizing solution directly into the skin, promoting collagen production and improving skin texture and elasticity in the delicate under-eye area.

How it works?

Under-eye skin boosters work wonders by infusing the skin with a cocktail of hydrating ingredients, typically including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and antioxidants. This rejuvenating blend nourishes the skin from within, replenishing moisture and stimulating collagen production. As a result, the under-eye area appears smoother, firmer, and more radiant over time.

How long does skin booster under-eye last?

The longevity of under-eye skin boosters varies from person to person, but generally, you can expect results to last around 6 to 12 months. Regular maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain optimal results and keep your under-eye area looking refreshed and youthful.

Is skin booster better than under-eye fillers?

Both skin boosters and under-eye fillers offer effective solutions for rejuvenating the under-eye area, but they serve different purposes. Skin boosters focus on improving skin quality by hydrating and nourishing the skin, while fillers add volume to hollow areas. The choice between the two depends on your specific concerns and desired outcomes, so it's best to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the most suitable treatment for you.

What to expect:

 After undergoing under-eye skin booster injections, you can expect gradual improvements in skin texture, hydration, and elasticity. The treated area may appear slightly swollen or red immediately after the procedure, but this typically resolves within a few days. Over time, you'll notice a brighter, firmer, and more rejuvenated under-eye area.

What to do after under-eye skin boosters?

 Aftercare is crucial for optimizing the results of your under-eye skin booster treatment. This may include avoiding strenuous activities, refraining from touching or rubbing the treated area, and using gentle skincare products. Additionally, staying hydrated and protecting your skin from sun exposure can help maintain your results.

Any side effects?

While under-eye skin boosters are generally safe, some potential side effects may occur, such as temporary redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own within a few days. In rare cases, allergic reactions or infection may occur, so it's essential to choose a qualified practitioner and follow all post-treatment instructions.

How to choose the right skin booster?

Choosing the right under-eye skin booster involves several considerations, including the ingredients, brand reputation, practitioner expertise, customization, and patient reviews. It's essential to opt for a reputable clinic and a qualified practitioner who specializes in aesthetic medicine to ensure the best possible results.

How much does it cost in London?

The cost of under-eye skin booster treatments in London can vary depending on factors such as the clinic's location, the expertise of the practitioner, and the specific product used. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from £200 to £500 per session for under-eye skin booster injections. It's advisable to consult with a reputable clinic and discuss pricing details during your initial consultation.

To sum up, under-eye skin boosters offer a safe and effective solution for rejuvenating the delicate under-eye area, providing long-lasting hydration and improvement in skin quality. By understanding how they work, what to expect, potential side effects, and how to choose the right treatment, you can embark on your under-eye rejuvenation journey with confidence. Consult with a qualified practitioner to discuss your options and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

All You Need to Know about PDO Mono Threads

A PDO mono thread is a temporary cosmetic procedure that specializes in tightening and uplifting your skin. Originally popular in Korea, PDO mono threads have taken the world by storm. This procedure is done without fillers and invasive surgery, making it a popular alternative to traditional cosmetic surgery.

Botox in a bottle, Anti-wrinkle Creams, or Botox: The battle is on!

Masseter Botox: What is it and What to Expect

How do PDO mono threads work?

Well, referred to as a ‘mini facelift’, the treatment works by injecting a thread of polydioxanone (PDO) under the skin, usually in the face. Medical-grade threads made from the protein Polydioxanone (PDO) are thinner than a strand of hair and more durable than cotton threads. When compared to traditional surgeries that require heavy sedation, this procedure works in a more non-invasive manner. The surgeon uses micro-needles to connect the thread through your skin’s tissue, they then tighten it to give that refreshed look. Micro-needles are small, thin needles that can break through the skin without leaving behind heavy scarring. Thankfully, before the micro-needles are injected into your face, you will be given a topical anaesthetic to reduce discomfort. The surgeon will then inject a range of needles and dissolvable suture threads right above the layer of fatty tissue in your face and/or neck. The threads are then lifted to tighten the skin, improving collagen production, and eliminating signs of ageing in and around the facial region.

Over eight to twelve months, the PDO mono thread dissolves entirely within the body leaving behind stronger, rejuvenated skin. It usually takes two to four months to see the full effects, but initial results can be noticeable after just four weeks. It’s best to get the treatment done at least once a year to maintain the full effect. Develop your knowledge and book your own PDO Mono Thread Workshop with CPD Institute.


PDO mono threads offer various benefits, including skin tightening, texture improvement, and wrinkle reduction. They also stimulate natural collagen production, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Here's a breakdown of the benefits:

  • Customizable treatment areas.

  • Reversible effects over time.

  • Youthful appearance enhancement.

  • Improvement in skin texture and quality.

  • Increased collagen production.

  • Firmness and tightening of facial skin.

  • Less invasive compared to traditional surgeries.

  • Low-risk and reliable option.

  • Minimal downtime and quick recovery.

  • Immediate noticeable difference in skin.


Aftercare is straightforward and requires minimal effort. If you experience any discomfort after the procedure, simple analgesia can be used to alleviate it. Additionally, applying an ice pack to the treated area can help reduce any bruising or swelling that may occur. You can resume your regular skincare routine and apply makeup the following day if needed. This simple aftercare routine ensures your comfort and helps promote optimal healing after the treatment.

  • Avoid vigorous exercise.

  • Refrain from using makeup for the first 48 hours.

  • Avoid washing your face for the first 48 hours.

  • Take a full course of antibiotics.

  • Refrain from smoking or consuming alcohol.

  • Maintain a neutral temperature environment.

  • Attend follow-up appointments for monitoring.

Some swelling, bruising, and discomfort may occur post-procedure, which is normal. However, individual experiences may vary, so it's crucial to consult your surgeon for personalized aftercare advice.



Yes, PDO mono threads can be used on the neck to treat creasing and folding around the chin and neck area. The procedure targets hard-to-reach areas such as marionette lines, sagging cheeks, and ageing jawlines. Results typically last up to 12 months, depending on individual factors.



PDO mono threads under the eyes offer a natural alternative to eyelifts, rejuvenating the appearance with less invasiveness. This procedure lifts and tightens the skin around the eyes, reducing wrinkles and sagging. Results are visible within 1-2 months and can last up to two years.


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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


PDO mono thread treatments are effective in reducing nasolabial folds by revitalizing collagen production and improving skin volume. This helps prevent droopy chin skin, nasolabial lines, and forehead wrinkles.


How many PDO Mono Threads do I need?

The number of PDO threads needed varies depending on the area being treated, with more severe concerns typically requiring a greater quantity. Here's a general guideline for the number of threads required for different areas:

-          Smokers lines: 20 threads

-          Under-eye region: 20-30 threads

-          Nasolabial folds: 20-30 threads

-          Cheeks/accordial/smile lines: 40-60 threads

-          Lower cheeks: 30-60 threads

-          Jawline/chin: 30-60 threads

-          Full neck: 50-100 threads

-          Temples for volumizing: 10-15 threads per side

-          Forehead: 30-50 threads

These quantities serve as a baseline, and the actual number may vary based on individual needs and treatment goals. It's best to consult with a qualified professional to determine the ideal number of threads for your specific concerns.

Does PDO Mono Tread hurt?

One of the primary concerns individuals have about thread treatments is the level of discomfort involved. However, it's important to note that thread treatments typically only cause mild discomfort. Before the procedure, a topical anaesthetic is applied to the treatment area. This anaesthetic effectively numbs the skin, making the treatment very tolerable for most individuals. While you may experience some sensations during the procedure, such as slight pulling or pressure as the threads are inserted, the overall discomfort is minimal. Additionally, the duration of any discomfort is short-lived, as the procedure is generally quick and efficient. Ultimately, the use of topical anaesthetic ensures that patients experience minimal discomfort throughout the thread treatment process."

Does PDO Mono thread have any side effects?

After a thread treatment, it's common to experience post-treatment reactions such as skin redness, swelling, bruising, and tenderness. While these side effects are normal and typically subside within a few days, some patients prefer to plan their treatments strategically. By scheduling treatments when they have a few days to recover afterward, they can allow any bruising or swelling to settle more comfortably.

It's important to note that these side effects should not cause undue concern, as they are part of the body's natural response to the treatment. However, if you experience side effects that are particularly troublesome or persistent, it's always advisable to consult with a reputable Injectables practitioner. They can provide guidance and support in managing any concerns you may have, ensuring a positive treatment experience and optimal results.

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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

Botox in a bottle, Anti-wrinkle Creams, or Botox: The battle is on!

 The battle between anti-wrinkle injections, commonly known as Botox, and anti-wrinkle creams has been ongoing in the beauty industry. However, with the rise of new trends, a new challenger has entered the arena: 'Botox in a bottle.' This emerging product claims to offer results similar to Botox injections, posing a threat to traditional skincare methods. As the competition heats up, consumers are faced with a choice between the convenience of topical treatments and the proven efficacy of injectables

 Masseter Botox: What is it and What to Expect

Post-Botox Care: Dos and Don'ts for Optimal Results

What is Botox in a Bottle?

“Botox in a bottle" products have gained popularity on platforms like TikTok, where they're touted for their anti-aging properties, aiming to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Essentially, these products promote wrinkle reduction, plumping, and firming benefits to reveal smooth, radiant skin. According to experts, these topicals work at the cellular level to enhance the skin's natural biology by boosting vital structures like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, as well as hydrating skin cells, enhancing cell turnover, and supporting the skin barrier.


Does the Botox in a bottle really work?

"Botox in a bottle" skincare products strive to diminish fine lines and wrinkles gradually, utilizing various ingredients and formulations. While they can contribute to skin rejuvenation over time, it's essential to note that they may not deliver the same robust and long-lasting smoothing effect as neuromodulator treatments, such as Botox injections.


What is the difference between “Botox in a bottle” and anti-wrinkles creams?

The distinction between "Botox in a bottle" and anti-wrinkle creams lies in their mechanisms of action and intended results.

"Botox in a Bottle" products typically contain ingredients that aim to mimic the effects of Botox injections by temporarily relaxing facial muscles, thereby reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles caused by repetitive facial expressions. These products may provide a more immediate and noticeable reduction in the visibility of wrinkles.

On the other hand, anti-wrinkle creams typically work by hydrating the skin, stimulating collagen production, and improving skin texture and elasticity through ingredients like retinoids, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. While they can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time, their effects may be more gradual and subtle compared to "Botox in a bottle" products.

Ultimately, both types of products target the signs of aging, but they may achieve their effects through different mechanisms and timelines.

What about Botox?

As we have already explained, Botox injections are primarily known for their ability to temporarily reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines by paralyzing or weakening the underlying muscles. This effect smoothens the skin and creates a more youthful appearance. Beyond cosmetic purposes, Botox injections are also used to treat various medical conditions such as chronic migraines, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), muscle spasms, and certain neurological disorders.


So, which one should you choose?

Understanding the specific types of wrinkles targeted by each treatment option can aid in making an informed decision. For instance, non-prescription or prescription-strength retinol or retinoid creams offer a noninvasive and cost-effective alternative to Botox. (Retinols are milder versions of retinoids, which require a prescription. Both are derived from vitamin A.) With consistent usage, these creams typically lead to a gradual reduction in wrinkles over a period of weeks or months.

In contrast, Botox provides quicker and more pronounced results by inhibiting nerve signals to the injected muscles, thereby reducing muscle activity responsible for wrinkle formation. Botox treatments often lead to noticeable wrinkle reduction or elimination within a week, and the procedure typically lasts only 10 to 15 minutes.

It all revolves around the type of wrinkles you have:


Anti-wrinkle creams for Static Wrinkles

The choice between Botox injections or wrinkle cream depends on the type of wrinkles present. For static wrinkles, such as those on the neck, under the eyes, and around the mouth (marionette lines), wrinkle cream is recommended. These wrinkles result from age-related changes in the skin, including reduced collagen and elastin production, accelerated by factors like sun exposure and smoking. Retinol creams can help counteract these effects.

Retinol boosts collagen and elastin production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and making the skin appear plumper and more youthful. However, it may take some time for the skin to adjust to the active ingredients in these creams. If the concentration is too high, individuals may experience stinging, peeling, redness, or dryness, especially those with sensitive skin. Dermatologists can assist in selecting the appropriate concentration.


Botox for Dynamic Wrinkles

Botox is typically recommended for dynamic wrinkles, which are caused by repetitive facial movements such as smiling, frowning, and squinting. When young, dynamic wrinkles are temporary due to the skin's elasticity, allowing it to bounce back. However, as elastin diminishes, these lines become permanent.

Examples of dynamic wrinkles include worry lines (vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, also known as elevens), horizontal forehead wrinkles, and smile lines (wrinkles around the sides of the mouth).

Dynamic wrinkles can also develop prematurely, influenced by factors such as smoking, which prompts squinting and lip puckering, resulting in crow’s feet and creases around the lips.

Botox is effective for dynamic wrinkles as it temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles responsible for their formation. Not only can Botox treat existing wrinkles, but it can also prevent new ones from forming. According to experts, starting Botox injections in your late 20s is advisable, especially for individuals with highly expressive faces.


… Botox in a Bottle:

Like anti-wrinkles creams, "Botox in a bottle" products are primarily designed for addressing static wrinkles rather than dynamic wrinkles. These products typically contain ingredients aimed at improving skin texture, hydration, and collagen production to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that are present even when the face is at rest.

Therefore, while "Botox in a bottle" products may offer benefits for overall skin health and the improvement of static wrinkles, they may not be as effective for targeting dynamic wrinkles compared to Botox injections.


So what should you choose?

Another aspect to consider among these products is their respective pricing. The serum or range of products required for Botox in a bottle treatment, as well as anti-wrinkle creams, tends to be notably more affordable than Botox injections. Each of these options, whether creams, Botox injections, or “Botox in a bottle” treatments, requires ongoing use, prompting individuals to weigh their options based on their personal cost-benefit analysis. While Botox injections may involve higher initial costs, the treatment is typically administered only once every six months or so, with noticeable effects. Consequently, although Botox may require a greater upfront investment, it demands less frequent maintenance and yields more striking results.

Still not sure? Book your Consultation with the expert today!

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Masseter Botox: What is it and What to Expect

Masseter Botox, the benefits, the procedure, and side effects

As we have already mentioned in many blogs before, Botox, short for botulinum toxin type A, is a neurotoxin known for its ability to block nerve signals to muscles when injected. While commonly used to reduce facial wrinkles, Botox also serves as a treatment for various medical conditions. One such application involves injecting Botox into the masseter muscles, which are responsible for closing the mouth. This article delves into the uses, procedures, and potential side effects of masseter Botox.

 Botox: Your Questions Answered!

Post-Botox Care: Dos and Don'ts for Optimal Results

Botox or Lip Filler: Which is Better?

Uses of Masseter Botox

Masseter Botox, also referred to as jaw Botox, addresses several conditions arising from tightened masseter muscles. These conditions include teeth grinding, clenching, jaw pain, and headaches. Additionally, masseter Botox is employed for cosmetic purposes to slim down the face by reducing the size of the jaw muscles.


Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, medically termed bruxism, involves the tightening and grinding of teeth while awake or asleep. It's a common condition affecting a significant portion of both children and adults. Traditional treatment methods for bruxism, such as mouth guards and medications, have been supplemented by Botox injections in recent years. Studies have shown that Botox injections into the masseter muscle effectively reduce the force and frequency of teeth grinding, providing relief from associated pain.

Jaw Pain and Clenching

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) is characterized by jaw muscle and joint pain, along with symptoms like jaw stiffness, locking, and clicking. Masseter Botox has been found to alleviate jaw pain and clenching associated with TMD. Injecting Botox into the masseter muscle helps relax the jaw muscles, thereby reducing tension and discomfort.



Tension headaches, often linked to TMD, stem from muscle tension and tightness around the temples. Masseter Botox can effectively treat TMD-related headaches by relieving tension in the muscles around the temples, providing relief from associated pain.


  Changing Face Shape

In addition to addressing medical conditions, masseter Botox offers cosmetic benefits by softening the jawline and creating a slimmer facial appearance. By weakening the masseter muscles, Botox injections can alter the shape of the face, resulting in a more defined and contoured look.


The Masseter Botox Procedure

Receiving Botox injections in the masseter muscles is a quick and straightforward procedure that typically doesn't require a hospital visit. Before the procedure, individuals should consult with a healthcare provider to discuss their medical history, desired outcomes, and potential complications. During the procedure, Botox is injected into the masseter muscles using a tiny needle. The number of injections and the amount of Botox administered may vary based on individual needs.

After the procedure, there is little to no recovery or downtime. However, individuals should avoid rubbing or massaging the injection site to prevent the Botox from migrating into other areas of the face. The effects of masseter Botox typically last for three to four months.


What are the Benefits of Masseter Botox

Masseter Botox offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Treatment for bruxism and TMD

  • Slimming down the face

  • Addressing masseter hypertrophy


How does Masseter Botox slim your face?

Masseter Botox can contribute to a slimmer facial appearance by reducing the size of the masseter muscles. These muscles, located along the jawline, play a significant role in chewing and clenching. When injected with Botox, the masseter muscles weaken, leading to a softening of the jawline and a more contoured facial profile. This effect is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to achieve a V-shaped face or address concerns related to masseter hypertrophy, which can result in a square or overly prominent jawline.


What are the Side Effects of Masseter Botox

While masseter Botox is generally safe, it may cause some side effects, such as:

Pain and bruising at the injection site



Flu-like symptoms

Temporary facial drooping or weakness


Can you smile with masseter Botox?

One of the advantages of masseter Botox is that it allows patients to maintain normal facial movements, including smiling. While the treatment weakens the masseter muscles, it does not impair other facial functions or expressions. Patients can continue to smile, speak, and chew normally following masseter Botox injections. However, it's essential to follow the post-procedure care instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications. As always, consulting with a qualified healthcare provider is crucial to address any questions or concerns regarding masseter Botox treatment.


How much does Masseter Botox cost?

On average, individuals undergoing Masseter Botox treatment in London can expect to pay between £250 to £600 per session. However, prices may vary depending on the specific clinic or aesthetician chosen, as well as the amount of Botox required for the procedure.


How to find the right aesthetician?

 Masseter Botox is a delicate treatment that requires the expertise of a highly skilled aesthetician to achieve optimal results. The injection of Botox into the masseter muscles necessitates precision and careful consideration of the patient's facial anatomy to ensure that the treatment effectively addresses specific concerns without altering the overall face shape. An experienced professional will meticulously assess the patient's facial structure and muscle dynamics before administering the injections, taking into account factors such as muscle strength, symmetry, and desired outcomes. By entrusting the procedure to a qualified aesthetician, patients can feel confident that their facial proportions will remain balanced, and that any targeted changes will enhance their natural features rather than significantly altering their appearance.

Therefore, finding the best aesthetician for Masseter Botox treatment requires careful research and consideration.

When evaluating potential aestheticians, look for professionals who are board-certified in dermatology or plastic surgery and have specialized training and experience in administering Botox injections for Masseter Botox treatments.

Ask about the aesthetician's credentials, their education, training, and years of experience performing Masseter Botox treatments. Inquire about their approach to patient care, including their assessment process, treatment techniques, and post-procedure follow-up care. Request before-and-after photos of previous patients to evaluate the aesthetician's results and determine if their treatment approach aligns with your aesthetic goals.

 Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose an aesthetician who makes you feel comfortable, confident, and well-informed throughout the decision-making process. By selecting a qualified and experienced professional, you can ensure a safe, effective, and satisfying Masseter Botox treatment experience.

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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

Botox or Lip Filler: Which is Better?

Lip fillers and lip Botox are the two most popular lip augmentation treatments available in the aesthetic market. These cosmetic treatments, known as dermal fillers and botulinum toxin injections, respectively, allow people to improve the volume, shape, and look of their lips. Dive into the world of lip augmentation as we discuss the subtleties of lip fillers and lip Botox, guiding you through the decision-making process to get your ideal lip look.

What is the difference between Botox and fillers when it comes to lip enhancement?

 Botox, derived from botulinum toxin, functions by temporarily relaxing targeted facial muscles, including those around the mouth. This relaxation can lead to subtle improvements, such as a "lip flip" or the smoothing of fine lines. On the other hand, fillers, often containing hyaluronic acid, are injected beneath the skin to augment lip volume and contour instantly. Brands like Juvederm and Restylane are commonly used to achieve fuller lips immediately. While Botox provides a temporary solution lasting several months, fillers offer more immediate and longer-lasting results, lasting anywhere from several months to over a year. Understanding these differences is crucial for individuals considering lip enhancement procedures, as it allows for informed decision-making and ensures that desired outcomes are met effectively.

What exactly is a Botox lip flip?

Typically, individuals seeking fuller lips turn to dermal fillers like Juvederm or Restylane, which directly add lip volume. However, a Botox lip flip subtly enhances lip shape, providing a natural-looking form of lip augmentation.

A lip flip, a non-surgical procedure, creates the illusion of fuller lips and better-defined shape. This technique grants greater control over the appearance of the upper lip and overall lip shape, resulting in a subtle enhancement. Additionally, since Botox injections are non-surgical, there is no required downtime!

To achieve a "lip flip," a cosmetic surgeon administers Botox around the upper lip and to the sides, with no injections made to the lower lip. The relaxed orbicularis oris muscle (the muscle surrounding the lips) allows the corners of the lips to flip upward, imparting a fuller look and a more youthful appearance to thin lips.

Lip fillers versus lip flip

You might be wondering: what distinguishes a lip flip from lip fillers? Lip fillers are often integrated into facial rejuvenation plans and provide a more pronounced increase in lip fullness than the subtle lip flip.

During your consultation, Dr. Hiba will evaluate your goals and determine which technique best suits your desired outcome.

What about Russian Lip Filler?

Russian lip filler is a lip augmentation technique that focuses on enhancing the shape, volume, and symmetry of the lips while maintaining a natural appearance. Unlike traditional lip augmentation methods that primarily aim for volume, Russian lip filler involves strategic injections to create a more defined cupid's bow, enhance lip projection, and accentuate the vermillion border. This technique typically involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Juvederm or Restylane, into specific areas of the lips to achieve the desired aesthetic. The result is fuller, more sculpted lips with improved definition and balance. Russian lip filler has gained popularity for its ability to create subtle yet striking lip enhancements that complement the overall facial features.

How much lip filler would you need?

The amount of lip filler needed varies greatly depending on individual factors such as the desired outcome, the current condition of the lips, and the injector's technique. Typically, lip filler treatments are measured in syringes rather than milligrams.

A common starting point for lip filler treatments is usually around 0.5 ml lip filler to 1ml  per session.

However, some individuals may require more or less filler depending on factors such as lip size, desired augmentation, and personal preference.

How much does a lip filler cost?

In London, the cost of lip filler treatments may vary depending on the specific clinic, the expertise of the injector, and the type of filler used. On average, lip filler treatments in London typically range from £200 to £700 per syringe.

It's important to note that the total cost may also include additional fees such as consultation fees, facility fees, or aftercare products. Additionally, prices may vary based on the reputation and location of the clinic.

How long does Botox last in the lips?

The duration of botulinum toxin treatment varies depending on the brand used and the number of units injected.

So, how long does a lip flip last? Typically, the effects persist for approximately 3 to 4 months.

Lip fillers may take longer to take full effect and generally last longer. However, Botox units may be more cost-effective than dermal filler units, making it reasonable to undergo Botox lip flip touch-ups as needed.

When considering lip filler treatments in London, it's essential to prioritize the qualifications and experience of the injector, as well as the quality and safety of the products used. Opting for a reputable clinic with experienced injectors can help ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications.


How much does Botox cost?

 The cost of lip Botox treatments in London can vary depending on several factors, including the clinic's location, the expertise of the injector, and the specific treatment plan. On average, lip Botox treatments in London typically range from £200 to £500 per session.

It's important to note that the total cost may include additional fees such as consultation fees, facility fees, or aftercare products. Additionally, prices may vary based on the reputation and location of the clinic.

When considering lip Botox treatments in London, it's essential to prioritize the qualifications and experience of the injector, as well as the quality and safety of the products used. Opting for a reputable clinic with experienced injectors can help ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications.

How can I find a lip augmentation filler or Botox clinic near me?

 To find a lip augmentation filler clinic or a Botox clinic near you in Kingston, London, you can follow these steps:

Online Search: Use search engines like Google or Bing to search for "lip augmentation filler clinic in Kingston, London" or "lip filler clinic near me." This will provide you with a list of clinics in your area.

Review Websites: Check review websites such as Google Reviews, Yelp, or Trustpilot to see reviews and ratings for different clinics in Kingston. This can help you gauge the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

Social Media: Browse social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook for local clinics and practitioners who specialize in lip augmentation. Many clinics post before-and-after photos and client testimonials on their social media pages.

Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family members, or acquaintances who have had lip filler treatments and ask for recommendations. They may be able to provide valuable insights and referrals to reputable clinics.

Consultation: Once you have identified a few clinics that interest you, schedule consultations with them. During the consultation, you can discuss your goals, ask questions about the procedure and pricing, and evaluate the clinic's facilities and staff.

Verify Credentials: Ensure that the clinic and the practitioners are licensed and certified to perform lip augmentation procedures. You can verify their credentials by checking with relevant regulatory bodies or professional associations.

Or you can simply book your appointment at Skinfinity by Hiba Rehan through the following link:

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More Young People Are Choosing Aesthetic Treatments: Are They Safe?

Aesthetic clinics in Kingston are witnessing a notable trend: the younger generation's preference for non-surgical cosmetic procedures continues to redefine industry conventions. The phenomenal expansion of the UK's non-surgical cosmetic treatment sector, which is currently worth more than £3 billion, indicates a shift in demographics seeking Botox and fillers. As we go deeper into this issue, it becomes critical to investigate not only the causes of this trend but also the benefits of starting aesthetic treatments at a young age.

Is Aesthetics the New Trend?

The conventional narrative surrounding cosmetic operations has frequently focused on elderly people who want to reverse the effects of aging. But things are shifting, with the 18 to 34 age group playing a major role in the present upsurge. Beauty standards have been greatly influenced by social media and the impact of online personalities, leading a considerable proportion of the younger generation to seek cosmetic surgery.

The demand for a flawless appearance has grown embedded in the digital era, with photos on social media raising issues about body image, according to the Mental Health Foundation. As the younger generation strives to emulate the standards set by influencers, the cosmetic treatment business responds with a variety of solutions to fulfill their changing desires.

What Is the Concept of “Preventative Botox”?

The notion of "Preventative Botox" suggests that using anti-wrinkle therapies at an earlier stage can greatly improve their effectiveness. By starting these treatments sooner, the goal is to weaken muscles and prevent the production of deep wrinkles by limiting certain facial motions. Essentially, it's about staying ahead of the skincare game. Choosing preventative measures enables people to take proactive actions toward maintaining a youthful appearance and avoiding the start of more noticeable indications of aging. So, for individuals who want to keep their skin's vitality in the long run, starting early with the treatments can be a strategic and lucrative step on the path to ageless skin.

What about the Safety of the Treatments?

When considering anti-wrinkle therapies at a young age, safety is crucial. The notion of "Preventative Botox" is more than just early intervention for increased effectiveness; it also ensures a safe approach to skincare. Opting for these therapies requires careful assessment of the practitioner's experience and adherence to safety protocols. Reputable clinics with skilled specialists put their younger clients' well-being first, emphasizing accurate administration and comprehensive patient care. While the overall safety profile of anti-wrinkle treatments is well established, open discussion with practitioners is especially important for those beginning these procedures at a young age. It's a proactive step toward maintaining both a youthful appearance and the safety of your skincare routine.

Thinking about anti-aging procedures at an early age? Prioritize safety and expertise. Book a consultation with award-winning aesthetician Hiba Rihan at our leading aesthetic clinic in Kingston.

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Beauty on a budget? Beware the Hidden Risks of Low-Cost Aesthetic Services!

 In the world of aesthetic enhancements, the availability of various services such as botox and fillers, at different price points has become increasingly common. The allure of more affordable options may be tempting, but it's crucial to recognize the potential risks associated with choosing budget aesthetic services from unqualified practitioners. In this blog post, we will delve into the coherence of these risks, exploring the consequences of prioritizing cost over expertise in the field of aesthetic procedures.

Lack of Expertise:

Certified and qualified practitioners undergo rigorous training to ensure they possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform aesthetic procedures and skin boosters safely and effectively. Choosing a cheaper alternative often means opting for someone without the proper qualifications or training. This lack of expertise can result in botched procedures, asymmetrical results, and even irreversible damage to your appearance.

Substandard Products and Equipment:

Established aesthetic professionals use high-quality products and state-of-the-art equipment to achieve optimal results. On the other hand, practitioners offering cheap services may cut corners by using substandard products or outdated equipment. This not only compromises the effectiveness of the procedure but also increases the risk of adverse reactions and complications.

Health Risks:

Aesthetic procedures, even seemingly minor ones, carry inherent health risks. When performed by unqualified practitioners, these risks escalate significantly. From infections and allergic reactions to nerve damage and scarring, the consequences of choosing cheap services can be severe. Proper hygiene practices, sterile environments, and adherence to safety protocols are paramount in the aesthetic industry, and these may be overlooked by practitioners offering discounted services.

No Accountability:

Certified aesthetic professionals are accountable for their work. They operate under a code of ethics, have liability insurance, and are committed to ensuring client satisfaction and safety. Conversely, unqualified practitioners may lack accountability. In the absence of proper certification and adherence to professional standards, clients may find it challenging to seek recourse in the event of a botched procedure or complications.

Long-Term Costs:

While cheap aesthetic services may seem like a cost-effective option initially, the long-term costs can be substantial. Correcting mistakes or addressing complications resulting from subpar procedures often requires additional treatments, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. Investing in the expertise of a certified practitioner from the outset can save you from unnecessary financial burdens and emotional distress.


Choosing cheap aesthetic services from someone who is not certified can have far-reaching consequences. From compromised results to serious health risks, the pitfalls of prioritizing affordability over expertise are significant. When considering aesthetic procedures, it is crucial to prioritize the qualifications and experience of the practitioner to ensure a safe and satisfactory outcome. Remember, your well-being and appearance are worth the investment in a qualified professional.

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Exploring PRP Therapy at Skinfinity: Natural Beauty Revitalized

In the realm of non-surgical aesthetic treatments, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has emerged as a frontrunner, offering exceptional results in cosmetic enhancements. Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan, with its focus on specialized PRP therapy for facial and hair rejuvenation, stands as a hub for comprehensive solutions aimed at restoring a more youthful appearance.

PRP Therapy: A Natural Approach to Revitalization

PRP, an autologous treatment derived from the patient's blood, showcases its prowess in stimulating natural tissue regeneration through platelets and growth factors. This innovative therapy provides aesthetic benefits without resorting to artificial substances, making it a sought-after choice for those seeking natural rejuvenation.

PRP Facial: Nurturing Radiance Naturally

The popularity of PRP facials has soared due to their minimally invasive yet highly effective nature. At Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan, the PRP facial offers a range of benefits, including the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, improved skin texture, minimized pores, and natural-looking results. The procedure, involving a consultation, blood draw, processing, and injection or micro-needling, takes approximately an hour with minimal downtime.

PRP Hair Rejuvenation: Transforming Thinning Hair

Addressing concerns of thinning or balding hair, PRP hair treatment at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan is distinguished by its non-invasive and effective approach. This treatment strengthens hair follicles, increases hair density, and offers a natural solution to hair loss. The procedure, similar to the PRP facial, involves a consultation, PRP preparation, and injection into desired scalp areas, lasting about an hour with potential multiple sessions based on individual needs.

Complementary Skincare for Prolonged Results

While PRP therapy delivers remarkable benefits, maintaining results requires effective skincare. The experts at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan provide personalized skincare advice, integrating high-quality products and routines to enhance and extend the effects of PRP treatments.

Why Choose Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan?

Expertise: The dedicated professionals at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan are skilled in the nuances of PRP therapy, ensuring safe and effective treatments.

Customized Treatment Plans: Prioritizing individualized care, the clinic tailors treatments to unique needs, ensuring optimal results.

Exceptional Care: Clients at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan are more than just clients—they are valued individuals deserving the best care, with a staff that prioritizes comfort and satisfaction.

Conclusion: Aesthetic Goals Achieved Naturally

The PRP therapies for facial and hair rejuvenation at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan provide minimally invasive yet effective options for those seeking natural results. Discover the transformative benefits of PRP therapy and let the experts at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan assist you in achieving your aesthetic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About PRP Facial and Hair Rejuvenation at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan

What is the Downtime for PRP Treatments?

PRP Facial: Minimal downtime with possible redness or swelling subsiding within 24-48 hours.

PRP Hair Rejuvenation: Little to no downtime; return to daily activities almost immediately.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

If you are seeking top results, you will typically need 3-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart for facial and hair rejuvenation. You can alway check our prices to see which bundle suits you best.

Will I Feel Pain During PRP Treatments?

Before proceeding with the PRP treatment, a topical anesthetic is usually applied for comfort, which leaves a mildly uncomfortable sensation, but not a painful experience.

What about the Results Timeline?

PRP Facial: Results may start within a few weeks, improving over several months.

PRP Hair Rejuvenation: Initial improvements may be seen after the first sessions, with more significant changes after several treatments.

Is There any Side Effects?

PRP side effects are minimal since it uses the patient's blood; however, you may witness temporary swelling or bruising may occur.

How Can I know if PRP Treatments Are Suitable for me?

PRP treatments are safe for most individuals unless they suffer from a medical condition; that’s why we will always ask for a comprehensive medical history during the consultation.

How to Book an Appointment:

Contact Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan via phone, or simply click the link below to book your appointment.

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Hair Filler Treatments: Do They Work?

Our hair plays a significant role in shaping our identity, and the quest for thick, luscious locks, especially when suffering from hair loss condition, has led many to explore innovative solutions beyond traditional hair care products. One such breakthrough in the realm of hair restoration is the use of hair filler treatments. Let's delve into the world of hair fillers and discover how they can transform your hair, boost your confidence, and redefine your hair care routine.


Understanding Hair Filler Treatments:

Hair fillers, also known as hair injections or mesotherapy for hair, are non-surgical cosmetic procedures designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the scalp. This treatment involves injecting a combination of essential nutrients, vitamins, and sometimes hyaluronic acid directly into the scalp to stimulate hair growth, improve hair thickness, and enhance overall hair health.

 The Science Behind Hair Filler:

The primary goal of hair filler treatments is to address common issues such as hair thinning, hair loss, and lack of volume. The key ingredients in these fillers vary but often include biotin, collagen, amino acids, and growth factors. Biotin, for instance, is a B-vitamin known for promoting healthy hair, while collagen helps strengthen hair strands. Growth factors stimulate the hair follicles, encouraging the growth of new, healthier hair.

 The Treatment Process:

Hair filler treatments are typically performed in a clinical setting by trained professionals. The procedure involves injecting the filler solution directly into the scalp using a fine needle or a specialized mesotherapy gun. The treatment is minimally invasive and relatively painless, with little to no downtime. Most individuals can resume their regular activities immediately after the session.

 Benefits of Hair Filler Treatments:

Increased Hair Thickness: Hair fillers stimulate the hair follicles, promoting the growth of thicker and stronger hair strands.

Improved Hair Texture: The nourishing ingredients in hair fillers contribute to enhanced hair texture, making it softer and more manageable.

Reduced Hair Loss: By addressing the underlying causes of hair loss, hair fillers can help reduce shedding and prevent further hair thinning.

Boosted Confidence: Fuller, healthier hair can have a positive impact on one's self-esteem and confidence, transforming the way individuals feel about their appearance.

Considerations and Aftercare:

While hair filler treatments are generally safe, it's essential to consult with a qualified professional before undergoing the procedure. Results may vary from person to person, and multiple sessions may be required for optimal results. Post-treatment care may include avoiding excessive sun exposure, refraining from vigorous physical activity, and following any specific instructions provided by the practitioner.

What are the benefits of CYJ Hair Filler?

CYJ Hair Filler, a specific brand and type of hair filler, offers several unique benefits that contribute to its popularity in the realm of hair restoration:

 Long-Lasting Results: CYJ Hair Filler is known for providing long-lasting results, reducing the need for frequent sessions. This can be particularly appealing to individuals seeking a more sustainable solution to hair thinning and loss.

 Versatility: CYJ Hair Filler is often praised for its versatility. It not only promotes hair growth and thickness but may also improve the overall health and condition of the hair and scalp.

 Hydration and Nourishment: The formulation of CYJ Hair Filler includes hydrating and nourishing ingredients that work synergistically to rejuvenate the scalp and promote optimal conditions for hair growth.

 Natural-Looking Results: Many individuals appreciate the natural-looking results achieved with CYJ Hair Filler, avoiding an artificial or overdone appearance commonly associated with some other hair restoration methods.

 What is the success rate of hair fillers?

The success rate of hair fillers can vary depending on several factors, including the individual's specific condition, the chosen filler brand, and the expertise of the practitioner. Generally, hair fillers have shown positive outcomes for a significant number of individuals. Success is often measured by an increase in hair thickness, reduction in hair loss, and improved overall scalp health.

 It's crucial to manage expectations and understand that results may take time to become noticeable, and multiple sessions might be required for optimal outcomes. Consulting with a qualified professional and following post-treatment care instructions can contribute to a higher success rate.

What is Dr. CYJ Hair Filler used for?

Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is a specialized hair restoration product designed to address various concerns related to hair health. It is commonly used for:

 Hair Thinning: Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is employed to combat thinning hair by stimulating the hair follicles and promoting thicker, healthier growth.

 Hair Loss: Individuals experiencing hair loss, whether due to genetics, hormonal changes, or other factors, may benefit from Dr. CYJ Hair Filler to encourage regrowth and minimize further loss.

 Scalp Rejuvenation: The filler is often used for overall scalp rejuvenation, improving the condition of the scalp and creating a conducive environment for robust hair growth.

 How is Dr. CYJ Hair Filler done?

The procedure for Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is generally similar to other hair filler treatments:

 Consultation: A consultation with a qualified professional is essential to assess the individual's specific needs and determine the suitability of the treatment.

 Preparation: The scalp is cleaned, and a topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Injection: Using a fine needle or a mesotherapy gun, Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is injected directly into the scalp, targeting areas of concern.

 Post-Treatment Care: After the procedure, individuals are typically advised on post-treatment care, which may include avoiding sun exposure, refraining from intense physical activity, and following specific instructions provided by the practitioner.


Feedback regarding Dr. CYJ Hair Filler has generally been positive, with individuals reporting noticeable improvements in hair thickness, texture, and overall scalp health. Many appreciate the natural-looking results and the longevity of the effects. As with any cosmetic procedure, individual experiences may vary, and it's essential to choose a qualified practitioner and follow recommended aftercare practices for the best outcomes. Always consult with a professional to determine the most suitable approach based on individual needs and goals.

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Effortless Beauty: All You Need to Know about Aesthetic Services

Step into the world of aesthetics, where the canvas of beauty is painted with precision and care. In this blog post, we're set to explore the realm of aesthetic treatments, diving into the array of services designed to enhance your natural allure. From non-invasive techniques to subtle refinements, we'll navigate the philosophy behind aesthetics, unraveling the possibilities it holds for those seeking a touch of transformation. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or someone curious about the world of beauty services, join us on this journey as we discuss the nuances, benefits, and considerations that come with embracing aesthetics. It's time to discover the artistry that lies within the pursuit of beauty.

The Core Areas of Aesthetic Treatments:

Anti-aging: As we get older, our skin changes. The good news is that there are now several choices for combating the indications of aging. Injectables, laser treatments, and chemical peels are all feasible solutions for those seeking to preserve a more youthful appearance. Botox can be used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, while laser treatments can improve skin texture and tone.

Correction of physical concerns: Aesthetic operations, such as rhinoplasty to straighten a crooked nose or breast augmentation to improve one's shape, can have a substantial impact on both looks and self-esteem. Non-invasive treatments such as Botox or fillers also provide choices for those who are apprehensive to undergo more intrusive procedures.

Maintaining healthy skin: Maintaining healthy skin can be difficult for many people, especially as they age. Aesthetic procedures provide a solution for achieving the lovely, youthful glow you desire. These procedures not only address any visible flaws, but they also stimulate collagen formation, which aids in skin tightening and toning. These procedures, which range from chemical peels to microdermabrasion, provide numerous alternatives to suit every skin type and budget.

Types of Aesthetic Services:

1. Skincare Treatments:

Skincare treatments focus on enhancing the health and appearance of the skin. Facials involve cleansing, exfoliation, and nourishment, while chemical peels use chemical solutions to remove dead skin cells. Microdermabrasion employs a minimally abrasive instrument to rejuvenate the skin's texture, promoting a smoother and more radiant complexion.

2. Injectables:

Injectables, such as Botox and Dermal Fillers, are popular non-surgical options for minimizing wrinkles and restoring volume. Botox works by temporarily relaxing muscles that cause wrinkles, while dermal fillers add volume to specific areas, reducing lines and enhancing facial contours.

3. Body Contouring:

Body contouring procedures aim to reshape and sculpt the body. CoolSculpting utilizes controlled cooling to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells without surgery, while laser liposuction employs laser technology for precise fat removal and skin tightening.

4. Hair Removal:

Laser hair removal is a long-lasting method to reduce unwanted hair. It works by using concentrated laser beams to inhibit hair follicle growth, providing a more permanent solution compared to traditional methods.

5. Anti-Aging Treatments:

Micro-needling creates controlled micro-injuries to stimulate collagen production, improving skin texture and reducing signs of aging. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy involves using the patient's own blood components to rejuvenate and enhance skin tone.

6. Cosmetic Dermatology:

Cosmetic dermatology treatments often involve laser technology to address various skin concerns. Laser treatments can target pigmentation issues, stimulate collagen production, and improve overall skin tone. Photofacials use intense pulsed light (IPL) to address skin irregularities and enhance complexion.

Safety and Approval:

Safety: Aesthetic treatments are generally safe when performed by trained professionals. However, like any medical procedure, there are risks and potential side effects. Choosing a reputable clinic with qualified practitioners minimizes these risks.

Cost: The cost varies widely based on the type of treatment, geographic location, and the reputation of the clinic. It's essential to consider the long-term benefits and potential risks rather than solely focusing on cost. You can check Skinfinty price list here.

Medical Approval: Many aesthetic procedures are medically approved, but the approval may vary depending on the region. Always choose practitioners who operate within legal and ethical guidelines.

Longevity of Results: Results can range from temporary to long-lasting. For example, injectables may last several months, while some body contouring procedures may offer more permanent results. Discuss the expected duration with your practitioner.

Regret and Expectations: The likelihood of regretting a procedure is subjective and varies from person to person. It's crucial to have realistic expectations and thoroughly discuss them with your practitioner before undergoing any treatment.

Choosing the Right Treatment:

Assessment by Professionals: Schedule consultations with licensed and experienced practitioners. They can assess your concerns, skin type, and medical history to recommend suitable treatments.

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Credentials: Ensure the practitioner is a licensed professional with appropriate training and certifications in the specific procedure you're considering.

Reviews and Recommendations: Research and read reviews about the clinic and practitioner. Personal recommendations from friends or family who have undergone similar procedures can also be valuable.

Clinic Reputation: Choose a reputable clinic with a history of safe and successful treatments. Look for certifications and affiliations with professional organizations.

Transparent Communication: A trustworthy practitioner will provide clear information about the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes. If something feels unclear or rushed, seek a second opinion.

Remember, making informed decisions and prioritizing your safety are key when exploring aesthetic treatments. Always consult with qualified professionals and conduct thorough research before committing to any procedure.

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The Secret of Timeless Beauty: A Comprehensive Guide to HIFU

What is HIFU Treatment, who needs it, how much does it cost and whether it is safe or not, we have the answers!

HIFU Treatment: The Promise of Ageless Transformation

In the dynamic world of non-surgical aesthetics, High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) emerges as a revolutionary force, promising not just a reversal of time but a restoration of confidence and radiance. This comprehensive guide aims to illuminate the facets of HIFU facial treatment, delving into what it is, who can benefit, safety considerations, the transformative benefits, cost considerations, and the visual journey of HIFU before and after, concluding with finding reputable HIFU practitioners near you.


What is HIFU?

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) represents a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate the skin. Utilizing advanced ultrasound technology, HIFU targets specific layers, stimulating collagen production and triggering a natural healing response. This results in a visibly lifted, tightened, and revitalized complexion.


Who Needs HIFU?

HIFU is tailored for individuals seeking non-surgical alternatives to address sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. It's a viable option for those looking to achieve a refreshed and youthful appearance without the downtime associated with surgical procedures.


Is HIFU Safe?

The safety of HIFU lies in its non-invasive nature. The procedure is generally considered safe when performed by qualified practitioners. However, a thorough consultation is crucial to ensure the suitability of the treatment for individual skin types and conditions.

The Benefits of HIFU Treatment:

When it comes to HIFU treatment benefits, the answers are endless, it’s the actual secret to timeless beauty and ageless skin, and here is why:

  • Non-Invasive Facelift: HIFU is often dubbed a non-surgical facelift, providing the benefits of skin tightening without the need for incisions or extensive recovery periods.

  • Collagen Stimulation: HIFU jumpstarts collagen production, addressing the natural decline with age and contributing to improved skin elasticity and reduced sagging.

  • Precision in Treatment: The technology allows for precise targeting of specific areas, making it ideal for addressing sagging skin on the face, neck, and décolletage.

How Much Does HIFU Cost?

The cost of HIFU varies depending on factors such as the treatment area, geographic location, and the practitioner's expertise. While HIFU may have a higher upfront cost compared to other treatments, many consider it a worthwhile investment in achieving long-lasting results without surgery.
However you can always check Skinfinity price list for more information.

HIFU Before and After A Visual Chronicle of Transformation

The journey of HIFU is incomplete without witnessing the visual narratives of transformation. Patients often observe a gradual improvement in skin tightness and texture in the weeks following the treatment, with results continuing to enhance over subsequent months.

How Long Before Witnessing any Transformation?

The outcomes of HIFU are not immediate because the treatment initiates a natural process of collagen regeneration. Patients often notice improvements in skin tightness and firmness after a few weeks of the operation, with ideal outcomes becoming visible within two to three months. The gradual amplification ensures that the appearance is natural and softly modified.

HIFU Near Me: Navigating Reputable Practitioners in Your Area

Finding a professional HIFU practitioner in your area takes extensive study, discussions, and careful evaluation of certifications and qualifications. Examine before-and-after portfolios and client testimonials to confirm the practitioner meets your standards.
You can also make an appointment at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan if you live in or around Kingston Upon Thames, or anywhere in the UK.


Conclusion: The Secret of Timeless Radiance

In conclusion, HIFU facial treatment stands as a contemporary marvel in the expansive landscape of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. From its collagen-boosting benefits to the mesmerizing before-and-after transformations, HIFU embodies a promise for those seeking a rejuvenated, timeless appearance. Navigating the world of HIFU treatments requires informed decisions and a commitment to excellence, ensuring that your journey towards radiant skin is guided by professionalism and expertise.

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Biggest Black Friday Deals 2023 at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan

Uncover Your Radiance with Our Black Friday Deals!

This Black Friday, our skinfinity price list to offer you the best packages so far. Our carefully crafted deals are here to pamper you, helping you achieve the glow you deserve. These limited-time offers are a gateway to a more youthful and vibrant version of yourself. Secure your spot and start a journey to beauty this Black Friday!

1. Anti-Wrinkle Injections Package:

Rediscover youthful skin with our Anti-Wrinkle Injections Package, covering 3 areas and 1ML of filler.

Our expert practitioners will customize the treatment to enhance your natural beauty and address your specific concerns.

Originally priced at £470, indulge in this transformative experience for just £400.

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2. Hydrofacial with Dermaplaning:

Dive into the luxury of a Hydrofacial combined with the precision of Dermaplaning.

Let our skilled professionals rejuvenate your skin, leaving you with a radiant, refreshed complexion.

This rejuvenating experience, normally priced at £225, is now available for an irresistible £125.

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3. Contour Packages (Excluding Tear Trough):

Choose your perfect contour with our range of filler packages.

Enjoy a new look with options like 2ML for £300, 3ML for £400, 4ML for £550, and 5ML for £700.

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4. Skin Booster Special:

Rejuvenate and hydrate your skin with our Skin Booster Special, designed to give you that youthful radiance.
Originally priced at £185, this revitalizing treatment is now available for just £150.

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5. Radio Frequency Micro Needling:

Experience the power of Radio Frequency Micro Needling to tighten and rejuvenate your skin.

Treat yourself to this advanced skincare solution, now priced at £250 per area instead of the usual £350.

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6. HIFU Packages:

Transform your face and neck with our HIFU Full Face and Neck treatment, a luxurious experience at a remarkable price of £500 (originally £900).Opt for the HIFU Full Face treatment at an unbeatable £400 (previously £750).
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7. Botox Offers:

This black Friday we offer you a smoother skin package, targeting 3 areas.

Combine it with 2 sessions of Eye Booster for a comprehensive rejuvenation.

Avail this fantastic deal at £350.

Don't miss the chance to benefit from these exclusive Black Friday offers! Limited appointments are available, so book now to secure your spot.

Offers valid from Novemver 24th to November 30th 2023.

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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

Post-Botox Care: Dos and Don'ts for Optimal Results

Embarking on the transformative journey of Botox is an exciting step toward achieving a refreshed and youthful appearance. Beyond the injections, understanding the post-botox dos and don'ts is crucial for ensuring optimal results and a smooth recovery. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essential steps to take after your Botox treatment, empowering you to preserve and enhance your newfound radiance.


1. Follow Your Practitioner's Aftercare Instructions:

Following your practitioner's aftercare instructions properly is the first step toward post-botox perfection. Each person has different needs, and your practitioner will provide individualized advice. Adhering to these recommendations is critical to a healthy recovery, from precise skincare routines to physical activity constraints.

2. Stay Upright After the Procedure:

Maintain an upright position for at least a couple hours after your anti-wrinkle injections treatment. This simple but important procedure helps to guarantee that the Botox settles precisely in the designated muscles, reducing the danger of migration.

3. Use Ice to Alleviate Discomfort:

Following an anti wrinkle injections treatment, it is usual to suffer moderate discomfort or edema. Applying cold packs to the affected areas might help reduce swelling and give a relaxing effect. To prevent your skin from direct touch with the ice, use a thin cloth or towel.

4. Optimize Hydration:

Hydration is an important part of post-botox care. Drinking plenty of water promotes your body's natural healing processes and aids in the removal of toxins. Skin that is well-hydrated is also more receptive to the benefits of Botox, creating a supple and bright complexion.

5. Be Gentle with Your Skin:

Adopt a gentle skincare routine in the days following your anti wrinkle injections treatment. Use mild cleansers and avoid exfoliants and abrasive scrubs. Gentle care ensures that the treated regions are not irritated, allowing the Botox to settle without interference.

6. Stay Consistent with Sunscreen:

Sun protection is essential all year, but it is especially important after a Botox treatment. UV radiation can hasten the aging process and may reduce the effectiveness of Botox. To protect your skin from dangerous sun exposure, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day.

7. Schedule a Follow-Up Appointment:

Scheduling a follow-up consultation with your practitioner is a must after Botox. This enables them to evaluate the results, resolve any problems, and make any necessary changes. Regular check-ups add to the long-term success of your Botox treatment, ensuring that you always look rejuvenated.

8. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

Your overall health has a big impact on the duration of your Botox results. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by putting excellent eating, frequent exercise, and enough sleep first. A healthy lifestyle promotes your body's natural processes, increasing the efficacy of Botox and promoting a youthful complexion.


1. Avoid Massaging or Rubbing the Treated Area:

One of the most important requirements of post-botox care is to avoid touching or massaging the treated area. While it is natural to feel the newly treated skin, rubbing excessively can disturb the Botox settling process. For effective and consistent results, this neurotoxic requires time to diffuse into the targeted muscles. Patience is essential during this phase since it allows Botox to perform its wonders unhindered.

2. Avoid Intense Exercise:

Exercise is a vital component of living a healthy lifestyle. However, it's best to avoid vigorous physical activity right after your Botox treatment. Forceful motions and elevated blood flow may cause the Botox to shift, reducing its effectiveness. Instead, to reduce the chance of difficulties, choose kinder exercises during the first twenty-four hours.

3. Resist the Temptation for a Post-Botox Facial:

While the idea of a post-Botox facial might seem appealing, it's crucial to resist scheduling additional facial treatments immediately after your Botox session. Facials, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels can disrupt the settling process of Botox and may lead to unintended side effects. Allow your skin the necessary time to adjust and fully benefit from the Botox injections.

4. Refrain from Alcohol Consumption:

Although it may be tempting to celebrate your rejuvenated appearance with a glass of wine, it is best to avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours after Botox procedures. Drinking alcohol may make injection sites more prone to bruising and swelling, which could affect the outcome. To aid in your body's healing during this time, use water and herbal teas for hydration.

5. Say No to Saunas and Hot Baths:

Bruising may occur if you indulge in sauna, hot tub, or hot bath treatments just after receiving Botox. Warm weather can cause blood vessels to expand, increasing the risk of rupture and ugly bruises. For the first several days following treatment, stick to taking warm showers and using a mild skincare regimen.

6. Avoid Sleeping in Unusual Positions:

To avoid accidental pressure or rubbing on the treated areas, choose to sleep on your back. By taking this precaution, you may be confident that the Botox settles evenly and without any issues.

7. Don't Overindulge in Blood-Thinning Substances:

Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and several vitamins and supplements in the days after your Botox treatment. Due to their effect on blood coagulation, they may raise the chance of bruising. Before starting any new vitamins or drugs, always check with your doctor.


Mastering the art of post-Botox care requires a delicate balance between dos and don'ts. By incorporating these guidelines into your routine, you'll not only preserve your refreshed appearance but also empower yourself to revel in the transformative effects of this non-invasive cosmetic procedure. With patience and conscientious care, you'll navigate the post-Botox phase with confidence, ensuring optimal and enduring results.
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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

Botox: Your Questions Answered!

Botox, once a closely guarded secret in the beauty industry, has now become a widely recognized household name. This potent non-invasive cosmetic treatment has revolutionized the quest for a youthful, revitalized appearance.

In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the mysteries of Botox, addressing key questions and concerns. From understanding the science behind it to exploring specialized applications like masseter Botox and hair Botox, we'll leave no stone unturned. So, whether you're a Botox novice or a seasoned enthusiast, join us as we embark on a journey to demystify this transformative treatment.


What is Botox?

Botox, derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is a natural protein that when administered in controlled doses, temporarily relaxes muscles. This remarkable property makes it an incredibly effective treatment for minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

what is botox

How Does Botox Work?

Botox injections function by inhibiting the nerve signals, or neurotransmitters, to specific muscles. This leads to a greater state of relaxation in the muscles, ultimately diminishing the visibility of lines and wrinkles on the skin.

What Occurs During a Botox Treatment?

While most individuals handle the discomfort from the injection well, your doctor may employ various methods to alleviate it, such as using topical anesthesia, as well as ice and vibration techniques that involve massage to minimize discomfort. In the course of the procedure, your doctor will use a fine needle to administer small quantities of botulinum toxin into your skin or muscles. The number of injections required will depend on several factors, including the size of the area being treated.

botox side effects

How Long Does Botox Take to Work?

Botox usually starts working after 24 to 72 hours of the operation. However, complete improvements may not be seen for two weeks after treatment. Patience is essential, since gradual muscular relaxation results in a natural, revitalized appearance.

How Long Does Botox Last?

The duration of Botox effects varies from patient to patient. The typical duration of Botox's effects is three to six months. How long a treatment is effective can depend on a number of factors, including dosage, muscle strength, and metabolism.

What are the risks of Botox?

Botox is a rather safe treatment, but to make sure you are getting the right amount in the right place, it should always be administered by a licensed medical expert. Seeing someone who lacks the necessary training and experience may result in lopsided outcomes, sagging muscles, frozen facial expressions, and other potentially harmful outcomes.

Botox Aftercare: Maximizing and Maintaining Results

Pay close attention to your provider's aftercare recommendations to guarantee best outcomes. Stay away from physically demanding activities and rest for a few hours after the therapy. Avoid rubbing or massaging the area that has received Botox because this may cause it to swell up. Avoid spending too much time in the sun and think about applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Keep any suggested follow-up appointments so you may evaluate the outcome and decide whether touch-ups are necessary.

Are there any side effects to Botox?

When done properly, side effects are usually negligible, and some people may not even experience any. Nonetheless, there may occasionally be some little bruises or redness near the injection site; however, these side effects should pass quickly. In rare cases, adverse effects can include trouble breathing, speaking, or swallowing; if this occurs, you should consult a doctor right away.

botox side effects

Botox Before and After: Managing Expectations

Setting reasonable expectations prior to Botox is essential. Depending on the area being treated, age, and kind of skin, there may be differences in the results. After the operation, noticeable changes usually appear a few days to a week later. But it can take up to two weeks for all of the effects to become apparent. Your provider will answer any questions you may have and go over what to expect from the therapy during the initial visit.

The Top Botox Treatments: Masseter, Forehead, and Hair

Masseter Botox:

Masseter Botox is a specialized application targeting the masseter muscles responsible for chewing. By doing so, it can effectively slim and contour the jawline, providing a more defined facial profile. This treatment is particularly popular among those seeking facial symmetry and relief from teeth grinding or jaw clenching.

Forehead Botox:

Forehead Botox is a non-invasive treatment that targets the muscles responsible for facial expressions, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines for a refreshed appearance. This specialized application can also be used to alleviate chronic migraines, providing relief for those experiencing frequent and debilitating headaches. The treatment involves injecting Botox into specific points on the head and neck, offering a natural-looking result with minimal downtime.

Hair Botox:

Hair Botox is a non-surgical treatment designed to restore and rejuvenate damaged hair. Unlike traditional Botox, this procedure doesn't involve injecting toxins. Instead, a specialized formula is applied to the hair, infusing it with essential nutrients and proteins. The result is smoother, shinier, and more manageable locks.

How Much is Botox in the UK?

The cost of Botox in the UK can vary depending on factors such as the area treated, the amount of Botox used, and the expertise of the provider. On average, Botox treatments in the UK can range from £150 to £350 per session. It's essential to consult with a qualified practitioner who can provide a personalized quote based on your specific needs.

Botox Near Me: Finding the Right Provider

Selecting the right provider is paramount when considering Botox. Start your search by looking for licensed, reputable practitioners in your area. Read reviews, check for qualifications, and consider scheduling a consultation to discuss your specific needs.

You can book your appointment at Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan here, and benefit from more than 15 years of expertise.


Botox is a versatile and transformative treatment with applications beyond wrinkle reduction. Whether you're considering forehead Botox, masseter Botox, or exploring other options, understanding the process is key. By choosing a qualified provider, like Hiba Rihan, and following proper aftercare, you can achieve natural-looking results that enhance your confidence and rejuvenate your appearance. Remember, consultation with a knowledgeable practitioner is the first step towards a more youthful, refreshed you. With the right information and guidance, Botox can be the secret weapon in your journey to a more confident, rejuvenated you.

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Hiba Rihan Hiba Rihan

Dermal Fillers: All You Need to Know

Dermal fillers are one of the best alternatives to minimize the loss of volume and sagging associated with aging, as well as to improve certain facial features and achieve fuller lips, pronounced cheeks, and even harmonize facial areas through shaping.

At Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan, we offer the best non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques. Advances in understanding the aging process, combined with modern dermatology, have allowed the development of various techniques to counteract the effects of time.

In this opportunity, we will provide details about dermal fillers, the various materials used, commonly treated areas of the face, and much more. Based on your own perception, you can decide if this treatment is right for you.

dermal fillers

Why Dermal Fillers?

The loss of facial volume is an inevitable part of the aging process. There is muscle atrophy, bone resorption, decrease and redistribution of subcutaneous fat, changes that affect skin turgidity, and the appearance of facial grooves and signs of aging.

In addition to biological factors, there are external factors such as ultraviolet radiation, responsible for the phenomenon of photoaging. Sometimes we may be dissatisfied with certain areas or features of the face.

But thanks to aesthetic medicine, with small changes and the use of appropriate materials and equipment, many imperfections can be improved without surgical intervention. A significant advancement in aesthetic medicine.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are substances that are injected or introduced into the skin or soft tissues. The use of dermal fillers is diverse, beyond aesthetic purposes, they contribute to improving physical, mental, and overall quality of life.

male dermal fillers

Application of dermal fillers in a male patient

Among the most common uses are:

  • Treatment of atrophic scars secondary to surgeries.

  • Trauma.

  • Acne.

  • Cosmetic treatment of facial wrinkles or vertical lines between the eyebrows.

  • Enhancing facial contour and lips.

  • Facial deformities.

Types of Dermal Fillers

There are various materials that can be used as dermal fillers, all of which are mentioned here are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

We can divide them into two main groups: temporary and permanent:

Let's briefly discuss the most common ones:

Bovine Collagen as Dermal Filler:

It is the main component of the human dermis, accounting for 70-80% of the tissue. It diminishes with age, leading to changes in its structure from type I to type III, indicating a state of degradation that promotes the development of wrinkles.

Depending on its source, it is known as bovine, human, or porcine collagen, each with different properties. For products of animal origin, tolerance should be tested for each individual before treatment.

Collagen is often used to treat wrinkles, both superficial and deep, especially fine wrinkles.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

In 1934, hyaluronic acid was obtained from cow's eyes, but it wasn't until 1981 that the FDA authorized bovine collagen as a filler for cosmetic use.

Hyaluronic acid is present in the extracellular matrix and is entirely compatible with our organism. It has hydrophilic properties, meaning it attracts and binds to water, making it an excellent filler material that achieves significant increases after injection.

The chances of allergic reactions are very low, unlike collagen which can induce allergic reactions.

Calcium Hydroxyapatite

Also known as calcium hydroxyapatite, it has an advantage over the previous two as it lasts longer. It is produced from synthetic bone, making it fully compatible with the body.

It has marked viscoelastic properties and can act as a bio-stimulant for collagen production for 1 to 2 years after application.

Poly-Lactic Acid

This is a slowly absorbable, biodegradable compound. It stimulates collagen production, generating greater volumes over time. Its long action period greatly reduces the frequency of touch-ups.

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Microspheres

Belonging to the group of permanent fillers, it consists of PMMA microspheres suspended in a matrix of bovine collagen plus lidocaine. Since it contains a product of animal origin, a tolerance test is necessary.

PMMA stimulates the production of the body's own collagen and encapsulates the microspheres.

Where Are Dermal Fillers Applied?

Now that we have an idea of the dermal filler materials, let's move on to the most interesting part: the areas that can be improved with these compounds.

Dermal Fillers for Nasolabial Folds

This is the expression line that most of us are familiar with. It starts from the edge of the nose obliquely and goes down to the corner of the lips, commonly known as the smile lines.

Since we can't stop smiling, dermal fillers have come to our rescue. The most commonly used fillers for correction are polymethylmethacrylate microspheres with bovine collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Dermal Fillers for Lips

Dermal fillers address various aspects of the mouth area.

These include the corner of the lips, the philtrum (the vertical groove in the middle of the upper lip that connects to the nose), marionette lines that appear below the corners of the lips, and the vermilion (the red part of the lips). It is used to fill the lips, especially when one appears smaller than the other.

Dermal Fillers for Scars

Hyaluronic acid injections can improve the appearance, especially in the case of atrophic acne scars. Polylactic acid has also been used with good long-term results. The recommendation is small doses in frequent sessions.

It is particularly important to understand that the type of dermal filler to be used and the technique employed by the specialist depending on the specific considerations of each case.

Dermal Fillers for Under-Eye Circles

The depression formed below the orbital edge, starting from the tear duct, descending obliquely and ending at the level of the pupil, giving patients a tired and unhealthy appearance.

In aging, it facilitates the protrusion of bags under the eyes, sagging, and cutaneous atrophy, a common issue among patients aged 30 to 40.

As this is such a delicate area due to its proximity to the eyes, it is essential to use dermal fillers that generate minimal side effects. Most interventions are performed with hyaluronic acid.

Before the Application of Dermal Fillers

Educate yourself about the treatment; it is important that your expectations align with the results that the intervention can achieve.

Consult a specialist who will gather all your medical information; if you have sensitivities or allergies to materials or anesthetics.

Avoid drugs that can cause bleeding, such as anticoagulants and vitamin K chelators, for at least 10 to 14 days.

Refrain from the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin complexes with vitamin E.

Put Your Health in Expert Hands

Take care of your health and get the best results by going to a specialist who will provide individualized treatment, with specific instructions for your case, administering the right dermal filler option for you with the correct technique and dosage.

At Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan, we will guide you on the realistic results that can be achieved, always aiming for natural results, avoiding side effects, with subtle yet significant modifications to the face without distorting or causing harm.

If you are looking for specialists in Aesthetic Medicine in Kingston upon Thames, London, Surrey, Skinfinity by Hiba Rihan is the place for you, as we have over 14 years of experience to support our results.

Still not sure which treatment is best for you? Request a medical evaluation, HERE, it's free!

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